Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Growing Otis

Its been so long since I had a puppy, I can't really remember how active my Rotts were when young. My first one, though, played baseball and football and whatever he could w/my son and the neighborhood kids so he was pretty active. Otis is doing better every day (w/momentary backsliding). Jumping much less, drops even new toys on command, etc. We are trying to make sure he gets plenty of activity. This last week was terrible for him w/all the rain, only short walks, I think he was depressed. At puppy class, all the pups were crazy! I think the weather got to all of them. Plan on enrolling in the next classes. And this place has an agility course and I plan on starting him when he is a little older. I think he is becoming more affectionate (if dogs are capable of that, I think they are). My son has been going to classes which has helped so that we are both on the same page. The 2 oldest grandkids take turns going (not sure if this has much value but does give them 1:1 time w/Otis). Poor Caleb, the 2 year old, is a little overwhelmed by Otis and Otis is usually overexcited when he sees him. Plan to work some short periods w/them. Otis has been sleeping out of his crate at night, with my son and doing very well, stays out of trouble all night. Spends very little time in crate. I am committed to making this work!
And you still didn't tell me why his mother is called "Trouble"??

How did she come by that name? Well...when the pups were ready to leave home, three of the new owners flew up to visit and take their pups. I knew I was keeping one but hadn't decided which one. This one puppy kept jumping up on the agility tunnel and trying to climb over it ~ my friends looked at her and said "she'll be too much trouble for an average owner." Well, don't tempt fate! She was the puppy I decided was the one for me then and there! And is she Trouble? Absolutely not - she's smart and affectionate and sometimes full of beans but never what I could truly call trouble.

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